The overall training of a child begins at conception, anything outside this could derail the upbringing of the child. Mrs. Helen Inyang wasn't enthusiastic about her antenatal class. She practically dragged herself to the clinic to avoid arguments with her husband, The last time she was there the lectures were unbearably boring, so much so that she slept off after five minutes into their commencement. She had then resorted to reading books or surfing the net for useful information that would help her during the pregnancy, but the husband Mr. Inyang would have non of it. He had been insistent on doing everything by the book ever since their family doctor confirmed her pregnant.
As Helen walked into the lecture room, she was greeted with a startling sight. She found an amazingly increased number of pregnant women at the antenatal class, women with different shapes of protruding tummies, standing in various corners of the room and murmuring to themselves. She frowned and gave the midwife a questioning look as she walk toward her.
Madam Inyang, we haven't been seeing much of you; how have you been? the midwife inquired. Very well, thank you, what's going on here? she asked. you will soon find out , replied the midwife with a smile. "Go find yourself a seat."
Addressing the women, the midwife said, "alright let's come together." The women left their various positions and went back to their seats. Taking her position in the front of the excited women, She looked at their animated faces and asked, "Now, how does it feel to relate with your babies? The question attracted all kinds of responses. While some felt it's odd, others felt good about it.
A woman testified that she felt her baby kicked for the first time. "Alright, listen up! I know some of you are wondering why i ask you to talk to your unborn babies, and you might even consider a waste of time. But let me crave your indulgence. Listen attentively to some research findings i came across recently.
The Story
When your baby is about ten weeks, it begins to move its tiny limbs, and by twenty three weeks it can hear and respond to sounds. Now, i know that is not news to you and some of you may have even talked to your babies before and felt a response. "But have you thought of the potentials inherent in this?" She paused for a moment, looked around for any response and when she got none, she continued.
Experts have noted that babies can experience a simple form of learning in the womb. In fact the womb serves a play and learning ground for them, You can read stories, sing and even talk to them. "It was also discovered that babies don't only respond to this stimuli, they can also memorize to a certain degree,
" How is that possible? Helen thought rather skeptically. and as if reading her thought, the midwife continued, For instance a particular song you are fond of singing or listening to during pregnancy may soothe your baby after it is born, especially when it is restless or crying. The song soothes it because it can recognize the song. This is an evidence of a degree of retention.
Now talking about the inherent potentials of these findings, it means you don't have to wait for your babies to be born before you begin to bond with them. You don't have to wait till you start breastfeeding before you become baby friendly. You can start communicating with them through touch, talk and even music. These will make them feel important and loved. And trust me; " a child who grows up feeling loved and important is more likely to listen to you and less likely to have a low self esteem."
A woman raised her hand from the back row, and when given the opportunity to speak, she said, "I once heard something that made me worry, A woman did a scan while she was pregnant and the scan showed she would gave birth to a baby boy. Instead of holding to what the scan had revealed the woman kept telling everyone around her that she would have a girl. She did gave birth to a boy, but the boy grew up behaving like a girl and was more in company of girls. I can't stop wondering why that happened. Was it because of the mother's utterances during pregnancy?
The midwife sighed and paused for a moment before she replied, "Quite a number of factors could have been responsible for that. But we can pick up some lessons from the situation. As a pregnant woman, you must desist from negative utterances and habits; even your thoughts must be well guarded. If your negative thoughts and utterances about children have the potency to affect their lives and behaviors adversely, then you should always say to them things like "you're a child of God." Or "you will be a great scientist" Or "you are special."
If you want a healthy development for your child, you must start now to achieve this. Don't wait till the baby is born or when the child is of a particular age. Start now! Make that connection, and change those negative habits and utterances now. That will be all for today. "See you at the next class."
The class erupted into a loud ovation, surprising the midwife. They had never had a more interesting antenatal class. She (Mrs. Helen Inyang) was already imagining having a prayer meeting with her baby. She remembered those lovely songs from her children class in church, and some fascinating stories she would tell it. She just couldn't wait! Read more here
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