Aging is a process of living that continues throughout our life cycle. It represent the closing period in a lifespan, a time when the individual looks back on life, live on past accomplishment and begin to finish off his life course.
Old age is regarded and assumed in different quarters with different meanings depending on who is involve, to some it is what lies ahead. Whereas others say it is the "golden bowl", some view old age as a time of advancement in existence, but another opinion said it is a time of harvest and a time of rest. However one look at it, the basic factor lies in the fact that old age has a lot to do with "advancement" in life and is predicated upon with challenges.
There are series of challenges that are peculiar with this advancements viz-a-viz health and social antecedents. More than 40% of adult 60 and older have a combination of risk factors known as "metabolic syndrome" and this put them at risk of having diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and some form of cancer. Though a great number of these ailment can be prevented, and or minimized with a good and or healthy lifestyle and regular health screening.
Arthritis is also imminent in the life of the aged. Nearly half the adult population are affected with this phenom thus being a major and or a leading cause of disability. Sometimes injuries of old days may assumed popularity in catching up with the aged, for instance, injuries as a result of football, playing of weekend warrior, and wearing of high heeled shoes can replicate the effect.
The agony of adulthood according to research lies on "senility" older people got perturbed about being forgetful, they worried that they are losing control of the golden bowl, the previous brain with its treasured memories. but little wonders if senility which is the beginning of mental decline is associated with only the aged.
Please be rest assured that forgetfulness occurs at all ages and changes in mental function that an older person may experience are not usually from dementia. While some memory loss is common in later life, most elderly people live out their lives in complete control of their mental abilities.
It is true that even the young usually surpass the older ones in the speed at which they recall specific facts. But, if you take away the timer, older people generally perform at least as well as their younger counterparts. In fact, with appropriate education and training, healthy older brains continue to learn to remember, and even to improve specific abilities.
The elderly population is large in general and growing due to advancement in health care education. These people are faced with numerous physical, psychological and social role changes that challenge their sense of self and capacity to live happily. Thanks to new medications and surgeon techniques, people are living longer despite these numerous challenges. The most widespread condition affecting people from 65 and above is coronary heart disease then followed by stroke , cancer, pneumonia and the flu. Accidents, especially falls that result in hip fractures are likely to happen.
It is true that the elderly experience loneliness and depression, sometimes as a result of living alone and sometimes due to lack of close family ties and reduced connections with their culture of origin, which is an inability to actively participate in the community activities with advancing age. The elderly loses connection with their friendship network and it becomes difficult for them to initiate new friendship and to belong actively in new networks.
The elderly need your support and help in many ways to cope with the challenges of old age,ranging from preserving their dignity, listening carefully to their need, show empathy unto them, include them in your activities, offer practical assistant unto them, be compassionate unto them and give them adequate encouragement when necessary. These and many more will go a long way to help the elderly to surmount the challenges of old age. Read more her.
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