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Good Moral Values in Marriage. |
Among the greatest gifts parents can give to their children are unconditional love and a set of values that the parents live by and not just lecture about. These has to do with character and behavioral pattern of the child. Character in it own is the action one takes to carry out the values, ethics,and morals that one believe in. Character is a reflection of what we do. It is the consistency between what we say we will do and what we actually do. This is a measure of putting the ethics in action.
Moral values has to do with the standard of good and bad, right or wrong which governs an individual's behavior and choices. Moral values is a universally accepted ethical principles that governs the day to day living of life. These principles are important in maintaining harmony, unity and honor between people. Individual's morals may be derived from society and government, religion and self.
Moral values that are derived from the society and government are subject to change as the laws and morals of the society changes. Moral values are usually communal and shared by the people in general, moral values are acts that are generally agreed and accepted by community members, otherwise no moral values will be established.
Without proper values, life is a little more than crude struggle for survival. Values give meaning to life. they establish priorities, they set standards and define boundaries and set rules of behavior. Even so, many traditional values are changing rapidly this days, for instance, society is moving towards sexual norms that give wider latitude for individual sexual gratification and self expression. It will be noted that young people this days exhibits values that are less and less influenced by parental, traditional and religious influence, these are equally applicable to the adult over the world.
Other long held values have also suffered a notable decline such as the " work ethics " this days it's getting harder to find workers who come to work for more than one day, on time and sober. Another important area decline have set in noticeably is on manners and civility. There is a dramatic increase in bad manners in both public and private offices and outright rudeness in businesses which have resulted in poor customers services in recent days.
In the religious circle, people claimed to be faithful to their religion just by the lips, meanwhile there is clear evidence that attendance in churches are declining thus resulting in lack of confidence in organized religion and the Bible. This is a fair prove that values are changing for the worst, as a result of materialism and prosperity. Most religious leaders today are worst criminals. They have proved to be a shocking disappointment because of their corrupt and immoral actions. This has brought a widespread lack of trust in the integrity of those to whom people look for leadership.
In the government circle, corruption, creed, selfishness, and loss of focus seems to be taking over our leaders mindset, People have been betrayed in one way or the other and these have created lack of trust amongst the citizenry. These has led to many paying scant attention to maintaining high values. This in turn has produce a sense of loss in minds and hearts of the population in general. Most government and other leaders are unable to solve their countries' basic problems.
There is widespread terrorism in countries today, inflation has been the order of the day, rising cost of health care, drugs and housing problem and a breakdown or incessant strikes in our educational system, pollution or a complete lack of management of sustainable living and many more are all pointers to insecurity and betrayal. A number of government even sponsored wars and organized crisis of different dimension.
It is possible for any government to protect and even take the lead in upholding basic human rights and values by creating avenues for lofty ideas and for reducing wars, hatred, crime, poverty, pollution,sickness, terrorism etc. to a minimum level through the inculcation of the right moral values acceptable in the society. Parents are not left out in this trend because charity begins at home.
Parental guidance should be invoke into the nucleus of the family, and parents should create time for their children as this is one of the basis for moral discipline. "Spare the rod and spoil the child" is one of the biblical adage that has been neglected to a large extent this days, discipline should be uphold by parents and care givers for our children to imbibe the right virtues acceptable in the society.
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