Thursday, 26 February 2015

Cooperation: A Vital Instrument to Life.


world cooperation
All hands must be in support.
      Cooperation is seen as a major instrument for the survival of man in the environment, it is the partnership and support that is received by man from other organisms, physical, biological and the chemical combination of the environment to sustain him in the process of life. It is in this regards that calls for world leaders to act with care on the issue of pollution and other endangerment.

     This is a voluntary arrangement which two or more parties under mutual agreement joined together for the benefit of achieving a stated goals. the agreement here is mutual and not competing. cooperation can happen where resources are adequate for both parties or can be created by their interaction.

     Cooperation are common effort put together for the achievement of a goal or objective, it is the process of working or acting together in willingness to unite,
to help out or get involved, including others, encouraging sharing, working together and willing to have a go.

     We can cooperate to build a house or to write a book. In such cases, cooperation is a joint action. In some other cases cooperation can fall short of being a proper joint action, example, drivers cooperate by following traffic rules, but they do not always act jointly.

     Our model of cooperation can be likened to the Ants. They are a model of cooperation like Industries and order, often working together to drag home objects much larger than themselves. Some ants will assist injured or exhausted member of the colony back to their nest. Certain ants also enjoy a symbiotic alliance with plants. In exchange for nest sites and food, this insect might pollinate their host, disperse its seeds, help provide its nutrients, or protects it against it herbivores, whether other insects or mammals.

     God created the earth surface with cooperative spirit, otherwise plants would have said " i don't belong here let me find my way" But they remain right here, because of the fact that their food comes from the soil, meanwhile their leaves when decayed is a good source of manure for the soil which in effect is where their food comes from.

     On the plains of Africa, baboons and impalas often work together, they form a mutual alarm system. The impalas with his good sense of smell, complement the Baboon's keen eyesight. They complement one another, in that predators can not approach them from anywhere with ease, this means either the Baboon or the impalas will quickly alarm the friend of what is going on.

     This very partnership existed between Ostrich with keen eyesight and zebras who is very good in hearing. Both complement one another in cooperation. In the organism sector, coral reefs are made up of polyps and algas,. Packed into every sport in polyps cells, algas give corals their brilliant colors, and they often exceed the polyps in weight. when corals are subjected to stress, such as a rise in water temperature, the polyps eject the algas and becomes bleached.

     In the living world around us, indeed mutual support can be seen in every level of life from microbes to man and between similar and dissimilar species. No organism is an island, each one has a relationship to another organisms, directly or indirectly. In this same vein the web or circle of life goes along with human being, it is interconnected and interdependent.

     Take a tour of yourself, especially your digestive system, an army of friendly bacteria help you to stay healthy by destroying harmful invaders and by aiding in digestion and in the production of essential vitamins. While in return, you, the host, provide the bacteria with food and a supportive environment. This in turn is "symbiosis" which in effect means "living together"

     There are three major types of symbiosis namely, Mutualism, which is the process of cooperation in which both organisms benefit. Commensalism is when one organism benefit without harming the other. Whereas Parasitism is when one organism benefit at the expense of the other. In this article, emphasis is made on mutualism.

     Cooperation is a vital instrument in life, our existence on earth depends to a large extent on this process, otherwise it will be difficult if not impossible to survive. The physical, biological or chemical environment that sustained life on earth all revolve as a web or circle complementing one another in cooperation. With this it becomes imperative for man to develop a friendly and cooperative attitudes towards the environment.

     Man should learn how to tend and harness the environment to complement each other, our attitudes towards the environment should be such that entails sustainability and management cum cooperation for us to live a life devoid of endangerment and extinction.

     Concerted efforts should be made by world leaders, to stem the tide of pollution and other environmental vices that are inimical to our existence on earth since there is no other life sustaining environment for man to run to.

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