Over the years, there exist prominent personality that have attained a position of self-worth, confidence, boldness and a positive self-declaration that is today known as Self-esteem. The term self-esteem is all about how good or bad you feel about yourself. This article will take you through ways you can improve your self-esteem. Self-esteem is a measure of self-worth. Self-esteem is how good or bad you feel about yourself. A low self-esteem can affect your life negatively whereas having a high self-esteem will take you to a good place to be, in your life.
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Tuesday, 3 March 2015
How to Improve Your Self-Esteem.
Over the years, there exist prominent personality that have attained a position of self-worth, confidence, boldness and a positive self-declaration that is today known as Self-esteem. The term self-esteem is all about how good or bad you feel about yourself. This article will take you through ways you can improve your self-esteem. Self-esteem is a measure of self-worth. Self-esteem is how good or bad you feel about yourself. A low self-esteem can affect your life negatively whereas having a high self-esteem will take you to a good place to be, in your life.
Take a Look at the Eight Perfectly Coned Volcanoes on Earth
Volcanoes are the world most beautiful mountains and as beautiful as they are some of them are struggling and or vying for positions and title, which is displayed her in this article as "most perfectly coned" Take a look at them and their different locations in the world.
Do You Know That The Tallest Living Things Are Trees?
It amazing to see the tallest living things on earth are trees.
The tallest living things on Earth are trees. One species is so tall and massive that it is considered as the largest living thing. Another species is the main source of eucalyptus oil and another is the koala's favorite snack. While most of them make good materials for timber, one of them has no use for carpentry due to the low quality of wood.Find out the height, location and other awesome facts about the planet’s living skyscrapers.
Coast Redwood
Coast redwoods (Sequoia sempervirens) are among the tallest living and longest living trees on Earth. The leader among the pack, named Hyperion was discovered in 2006 and was measured at 379 feet (115 m). Redwoods have a lifespan of over 2,000 years old. These evergreen giant can be found in southern Oregon to Central California, United States.Juvenile Delinquency: A Multiple Problem From Multiple Source.
Parenting style has been blamed for juvenile delinquency, research
proves that parenting the child is of many modules and of traits and
types. When it comes to teenagers being out of
control and getting into trouble with the law, the bulk of the blame
goes to the different methods of parenting, but there are other factors
that are playing a significant role alongside parenting style and
modules which we are about to unveil in this article.
Monday, 2 March 2015
Don't Do Anything Revengey.

Revenge is a cruel action that causes harm and
makes another person suffer. You may feel good doing it at the very beginning because you want to pay back for those wicked act that was done on to you. Revenge is a two edged sword, but
taking revenge has many consequences.
Taking Revenge
What does revenge mean? Revenge is getting tit for tat, an eye for an eye. How do you feel when you accomplished your aim of taking revenge? Do you feel happy after paying it back to the person who offended you? How long does the happiness last in you? Let's think about it.Thursday, 26 February 2015
Octopus: A Clever Chameleon of the Sea.
In the ancient days Octopus has been targeted badly with awful publicity, ancient myths and fanciful tales of those days portrayed this chameleon with a stigma. They quoted this on to it, "octopus O horror! inhales a man. It draws itself, and into itself; and bound immobile, he feels himself slowly ingested by that incredible being which is the monster".
They stigmatized it as a monster. In reality, even the giant pacific octopus, which may reach a length of some 6 meters and weigh up to 50 kilograms, does not generally pose a danger to humans. In recent years fabulous legends regarding these eight legged monster have been replaced by facts. Divers and Marine Biologists have learn much about the many varieties of octopus.
Love Does Not Envy.
The term "Envy" as translated in other version of the bible means jealous, zealous, covet and desire. The bible connotes this particular term in two ways, viz-a-viz in the negative and in the positive. It is depicted as a characteristic that is contrary to the nature of love. The phrase is translated as "love is not jealous" and "love does not envy"
Our Behavior: Choices That Affect Our Health.
Under today's world, people find it extremely convenient eating processed food, than to prepare fresh dishes. It's equally convenient spending time and wasting energy sitting in front of a television set for hours and cabbage in and out on computers for days than take part in physical fitness exercise. There are choices that impedes on our health faculty and inflict diseases to us.
For instance a large number of diabetes is caused by our eating habit, rich diets and sedentary habit are increasingly creating serious health hazards on daily basis to us.According to one research report,these choices may be condemning a growing number of adults and children to serious health problems in our generation.
The Ecosystem and the Survival of Man.
Over the years, the survival and existence of man on planet Earth hangs on several key components in the ecosystem, such components as good health, freedom and choice, social relations and a whole lots of personal security.
The term ''Ecosystem'' is a conglomerate and basic element for human existence, through it hangs other factors that made life meaningful, such as regulating, supporting and provisioning services which is essential to life on earth as a planet.
God created the ecosystem for man to use it sustainably, such that human well-being can be harnessed and enhance positively. But the reverse has been the case today and thus raises concern about the consequences and magnitude of his impact on the ecosystem.
The Challenge of Growing up Without a Father.
Growing up without a father poses several risk and challenges to children. The major root cause of fatherless children stems from divorce and on rare cases of dead. Often times, the father,s presence in the family has a dramatic effect on the life and behavioral pattern of the children as he is the person to create and impact discipline and or corrective measures in the home.
The lack of a father's daily presence in the family is often thought to be at the root of many of society's problem. But the truth about it is that fatherless children are forced to fend for themselves, thereby causing an increase in burden on to them and impacting more responsibilities on their shoulder. Similarly, single parenting draws more burden and also impacts more responsibilities on their shoulders. According to one divorcee. she opines a pressure in work load as a result of more responsibilities on her in keeping with the children,s needs at home.
The Fight Against Infectious Diseases and the New World Order.
In 1970 many experts thought that the fight against infectious diseases was over. In fact it was indicated far back then that the time to close the book on infectious disease is drawing near and that the war against pestilence was declared won, whereas national resources were to be channeled to.cancer and heart diseases.
This catapulted in a lukewarm approach to these which has led to less priority for communicable disease surveilance system, because of this, many developing countries could not maintain surveilance in their scheme in regards to health services and this has resulted in the retardation in medium of recognizing the level of negative impingement it has caused in the system of life.
The Role of Third Party in a Relationship.
There are different kinds of relationships which we all know, but the fundamental one in nature is marriage, and in the context of this article, efforts will be geared towards marriage as a relationship.
In the issue of a third party in marriage it should be specified herewith the fundamental meaning of it, also we should be able to decipher and categorized this third party in their segment and perspective. In the light of the above, third party could be seen as both human and materials or resources that influence or can influence the decisions and actions of couples or would be couples towards their spouses, it could be both ways either positive or negative influence.
The Cattle Egrets: A permanent Friend to Beast and Man.
In the 20th century, there was an invasion, although it was one of the most peaceful colonization of the time. Not a simple shot was fired, no blood was shed, in a similar vein nobody amongst the inhabitant and even in the neighborhood no one was exploited and no country was robbed of his wealth, but this invaders silently occupied one country and the other at a given time and place.
But this invasion and conquest went unnoticed because the colonizers were birds, those resourceful birds, which now occupy five continents, are known as "Cattle Egrets" or scientifically called "Bubulcus ibis".
New Born Babies, Their Need and Want.
From conception, the first trimester of the baby is full of development, cells multiply at a rapid rates, to pave way for the fast development and of the baby. Care at this point is paramount until the final journey to birth. A baby is born into the harsh, cold world, a world full of disorder, stress and confusion.
Although a baby can not really verbalize, realize and visualize his feelings and environment, some scientists believe that even before birth the fetus is aware of what is taking place. From the time of birth, the newborn need tender care, including gentle strokes and skin to skin contact. It is generally believe that after birth the first 12 hours between the baby and his parents, the baby need to be with the mother to create a bond of intimacy.
Personality Development: A Task For Early Chidhood and Adolescent.
Adolescence is a period of confusion in life, and need to be harnessed by parents and care givers as well,
Bird Preening a Matter of Survival.
It's always amazing to notice that birds seem to spent a lot of time preening themselves. They spend hours everyday doing this same act of ruffling up their feathers, be it parrots, pelicans, sparrows, flamingos and all other ones that fall in this class go through this ritual. One may think they do this ritual merely to look neat and or in their best. But the reason is not far fetched and is more substantial than in the ordinary look.
Birds need these preening sessions just as much as aircraft need an overhaul. In fact maintaining plumage in trim is a matter of life and death to birds. Their feathers suffers a lot of wear and tear just like any other thing in life and preening not only keep them clean and free of parasites but also maintain their aerodynamic functions.
Child Prostitution: A Barbarious Crime
Prostitution is seen as performing or agreeing to perform a sexual act for the purpose of money, property, token, object, article or anything of value. Child prostitution is therefore seen in this light, but with a token of difference.
It is the exploitation of a child for remuneration in monetary terms or it could be in kind, usually but not at all times organized by an intermediary such as a procurer, family member, pimp, or madame. Although it is the female children that are mostly vulnerable and widely publicized, male children are equally susceptible to the same dangers in this exploitation.
The Lessons of the Antenatal Class on the Unborn Baby.

The overall training of a child begins at conception, anything outside this could derail the upbringing of the child. Mrs. Helen Inyang wasn't enthusiastic about her antenatal class. She practically dragged herself to the clinic to avoid arguments with her husband, The last time she was there the lectures were unbearably boring, so much so that she slept off after five minutes into their commencement. She had then resorted to reading books or surfing the net for useful information that would help her during the pregnancy, but the husband Mr. Inyang would have non of it. He had been insistent on doing everything by the book ever since their family doctor confirmed her pregnant.
Child Labour: Prosperity by the Sweat of Children.
Most children in all societies work in one way or the other. The type of work they do vary within society and over time. Some parents sent their children for errands which is acceptable and done everywhere, work are an integral part of children and can be an essential part of their education and act or transmit vital skills from parent to offspring. In some countries, children are involved in apprenticeship in workshops and small scale services and or vocational skills with a view to becoming a full fledged workers with this skills later in life
Policing: a Challenging Task.
Worldwide, the police face the challenge
of protecting law and order. How are they coping with these
Coping With the Challenge of Old Age.

Aging is a process of living that continues throughout our life cycle. It represent the closing period in a lifespan, a time when the individual looks back on life, live on past accomplishment and begin to finish off his life course.
Old age is regarded and assumed in different quarters with different meanings depending on who is involve, to some it is what lies ahead. Whereas others say it is the "golden bowl", some view old age as a time of advancement in existence, but another opinion said it is a time of harvest and a time of rest. However one look at it, the basic factor lies in the fact that old age has a lot to do with "advancement" in life and is predicated upon with challenges.
Religious and Cultural Values and Ethics on the Environment.

Religious beliefs, spiritual practices and the cultural values of the society play a major role in encouraging environmental conservation, preservation and all the likes in our environment in that these factors advocates the need to maintain harmony with the total environment.
There are links between man and the supernatural and between the living and their ancestors and descendants; between members of the community; and between man and natural objects such as trees, forests, streams, ponds, rocks, and hills, where the spirit of ancestors and gods and goddesses may reside awaiting rituals and sacrifice.
Wild Conversation, the Secret of Animal communication.
One of the precious gift nature have endowed on us is the ability and potentials of communication. This is the means by which we pass and received information both formally and informally. Communication has been one of the basic right enshrined in the tenets of human right and freedom of speech is a widely contested issue throughout the world.
The Influence of Poverty on the Environment.

Poverty refers to a situation and process of serious deprivation or lack of resources and materials necessary for living within a minimum standard conducive to human dignity and well-being. It is a situation whereby the basic necessities of man are either totally absent or exists in negligible quantities or state to make a meaningful impacts.
Sustainable Development.
Our planet earth has been much abused and misused so much so that it is clearly in trouble and we with it. We have so degraded our environment, so disrupted our biosphere, so stressed the physical carrying capacities such that the million of people on the planet ( and most certainly our cherished ways of life ) have been put in jeopardy.
Health, Environment and Safety: A Panacea for Survival.

Human Health has been found to have a direct interrelationship with our environment. Every human being desire to be healthy at all times, but this is a bit difficult, especially if we fail to harness our environment in a conducive manner for this to be actualized.Due to the domineering and unlimited powers of mankind, we always want to dominate and exploit our environment together with the other resources that are found in it.
Overpopulation: A Burden on the Environment.

Our Morals: What Is Wrong With It?
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Good Moral Values in Marriage. |
Cooperation: A Vital Instrument to Life.
Cooperation is seen as a major instrument for the survival of man in the environment, it is the partnership and support that is received by man from other organisms, physical, biological and the chemical combination of the environment to sustain him in the process of life. It is in this regards that calls for world leaders to act with care on the issue of pollution and other endangerment.
This is a voluntary arrangement which two or more parties under mutual agreement joined together for the benefit of achieving a stated goals. the agreement here is mutual and not competing. cooperation can happen where resources are adequate for both parties or can be created by their interaction.
Cooperation are common effort put together for the achievement of a goal or objective, it is the process of working or acting together in willingness to unite,
to help out or get involved, including others, encouraging sharing, working together and willing to have a go.
Wednesday, 25 February 2015
Types of Pollution, Effect and Control Measures
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